Monday, July 13, 2015

Tech Today and for the future.

Technology of the future available today. 

A man wearing a SK Telecom exoskeleton controls a robot. [Photo/IC]
TheTake a look at gadgets that were on display at this year's 2015 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. 
A man talks to a friend via the Awabot Robot. [Photo/IC]
A visitor tests a prototype for a smart eyeglass at the Sony stand. [Photo/IC]
An HTC Smartphone. [Photo/IC]
The curved LG G Flex2 mobile phone. [Photo/IC]
A visitor holds the Huawei Mate7. [Photo/IC]
The ZET waterproof phone R28. [Photo/IC] 
A visitor uses an iPhone to take a photo of the Galaxy S6. [Photo/IC]
The Sony SmartWatch 3 SWR50. [Photo/IC]
Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei Technologies Consumer Business Group, presents the Huawei Watch. [Photo/IC]

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