Sunday, July 12, 2015

After last week's fight (quite literally) against illicit/second generation brews and spirits and beer too(sad), I came across this photo of a police patrol vehicle that had an accident.  Its interesting to note that they were carrying beer and to me,  chancea are high that someone in that vehicle had been drinking. I just hope it was not the driver.  You guys might want to caption this.  
Below is an excerpt from what someone wrote,  expressing his opinion on the fight." I am appalled by the ongoing destruction of property disguised as a fight against illicit brews. Burning down of factories, breaking into suspected dens and indiscriminately destroying drinks has never and will never end alcohol abuse.  Why can't these drinks be confiscated, tested and factories shut down and owners prosecuted? I can bet to my last coin that six months down the line,  we'll still be grappling with the menace. But since many of us agree with this panacea,  who am I to object? "

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